The article contains quotes from Alex Moises and Steve Scalise. Alex is the author of this article and this website, Faith Expressions, while Steve is the congressman who represents the first district of Louisiana in the US Congressional House. The topics of the quotes are the following: Bible, Christmas, communications, education and learning, faith, freedom of conscience, God and Jesus Christ, love, moms and prayer and praying.
“Read the Bible. It is a holy book of prayers. When you read the Word of God, it will be the Holy Spirit who will take your prayer to God. But ask in Jesus name.” – Alex Moises
“Next to the Bible, I think the Constitution is the most important document ever written.” – Steve Scalise
“What is Christmas? It’s not about you. It’s not about me nor Uncle Alex. It’s not about anyone. It’s about Jesus and His love for us.” – Little Angel Gabby and Uncle Alex Moises
“Christmas is about God who is love. And that is the simplest yet most profound meaning of Christmas.” – Alex Moises
“We remember the birth of Jesus, the unwanted child who changed the course of history forever more than 2,000 years ago. Enjoy the holiday season and always hope for the best. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!” – Alex Moises
“Christmas has a special ability to inspire goodwill in all of us, from taking time to help a stranger in need, to showing more appreciation for things we tend to take for granted.” – Steve Scalise
“Let’s harness the kindness and charity of the Christmas season to become forces for good throughout the new year.” – Steve Scalise
“I’d like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This is such a great time of the year.” – Steve Scalise
“Superior ability to communicate and use various languages do not amount to anything if it is not seasoned with love. Without love, these skills only make a lot of confusing noises that can build multiple towers of Babel.” – Alex Moises
“America is committed to protecting our telecommunications networks and the data security of our nation.” – Steve Scalise
Christmas Quote from Alex Moises
Christmas Quote from Steve Scalise
“Simply put, learning is doing what one has learned.” – Alex Moises
“In the realm of philosophy, learning is knowing and loving the truth. In the realm of Christian faith, it is knowing and loving Jesus Christ.” – Alex Moises
“Every child in America deserves an equal opportunity to get a quality education, and all parents should be able to make the best educational choices for their children.” – Steve Scalise
“Parents should be free to choose what their children are taught and where.” – Steve Scalise
“Whether it is a small step or a leap forward, faith will lead you to God.” – Alex Moises
“In the journey of faith, there will be hard days and dark nights. But trust in God. Remember, during your journey, God is holding you by your hand and guiding you, and when things get so terribly tough, He will carry you. Have your faith-filled journey to God’s kingdom.” – Alex Moises
“This was a nation founded with a deep belief in God. God who gave us life, gave us liberty.” – Steve Scalise about America vis-à-vis Faith and Liberty
“Faith is part of who I am.” – Steve Scalise
Faith Quote from Alex Moises
Faith Quote from Steve Scalise
“Pray anytime, anywhere. It’s freedom of conscience and free expression. It’s an exercise of the free will God gave to us.” – Alex Moises
“If you don’t agree, present what you think is a better way.” – Steve Scalise
“God’s name is the holiest of holy.” – Alex Moises
“He is the central figure of the gospel stories. How his life began is as dramatic as to how his life ended and started again.” – Alex Moises about Jesus Christ
“We have a great and mighty God and I am a living example of the miracles He can produce.” – Steve Scalise
“For me, there are a lot of things I celebrate, but it starts with the birth of Christ. That’s the reason for the season.” – Steve Scalise
God and Jesus Christ Quote from Alex Moises
God and Jesus Christ Quote from Steve Scalise
“Love is faithful and hopelessly hopeful; it endures. It sees every life situation as an opportunity to thrive and go on.” – Alex Moises
“As for my little angel, Gabby, she is truly an angel. She prays for me. She prayed for me and she even asked her teacher and classmates to pray for my healing.” – Alex Moises
“As a father, these are priceless moments I cherish. Happy birthday, son!” – Steve Scalise
“Today I celebrate 12 wonderful years of marriage with my best friend and mother of our 2 great kids. Happy anniversary Jennifer!” – Steve Scalise
“She was a good woman. My mom, Leticia Angara Moises, was a good mother, too. She took care of me during my most vulnerable time, when I was still a tender child. She helped me grow when I was a toddler who knew little about the world in which I lived in. She assisted my dad in providing me a comfortable place to live and the education I needed for the future. And she protected me from people who attacked my very being.” – Alex Moises
“Of course I loved my mom. I thought she was the best mom in the world. I’m sure most people think their mom is great. But to run into people in so many different walks of life who tell me stories of how my mom touched them and how she impacted their lives because of the work she did in the community – there’s something very noble about that.” – Steve Scalise
“To pray is to allow God to love us.” – Alex Moises
“Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ, for this day for today I praise God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for this day for today I beg for God’s mercy and love. Thank you, Lord, for this day for today I offer my life to you. Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for today – thank you because of you.” – Alex Moises Prayer
“Pray the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus gave us this prayer to let us know that there is real power in His Word.” – Alex Moises
“I can’t thank you enough for those prayers. It’s the reason I am here today.” – Steve Scalise on Surviving the Assassination Attempt on His Life
“The power of prayer is just something that you cannot underestimate.” – Steve Scalise
“I talk to God every night.” – Steve Scalise
Prayer and Praying Quote from Alex Moises
Prayer and Praying Quote from Steve Scalise
For more images of quotes by Alex Moises and Steve Scalise, please go to “MOISES, POMPEO AND SCALISE QUOTES” in the Gallery section.