This is the second part of the gallery, and it still is a gallery of faith expression of Bible verses. The section contains individual displays of artworks, and albums and slideshows of faith expression artworks, and a gallery blog. Gallery B is the God & blog gallery of the Faith Expressions website.
This issue of “Expressions Art for God’s Sake” contains 18 faith expression artworks based on 3 Psalms in the Old Testament part of the Bible. The verses used from these psalms are Psalms 51:6-7, Psalms 51:17, Psalms 113:2, Psalms 113:3 and Psalms 139:13-14.
The article has a collection of faith expression artworks branded as “At Bethlehem.” These artworks are based on Bible verses about the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. They are artworks which were made by the artist while working on several articles and faith expression projects.