The Ten Commandments is a set of commands God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. The commandments are intricately woven into the early history of the Israelites, and they have a profound influence on Christianity.

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The article contains quotes from King David, the king who was responsible for the unification of the tribes of Israel under a single monarchy. The quotes are lines taken from hymns and prayers assigned to King David in the Book of Psalms.

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This article deals with the Bible verses in chapter thirteen of the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians. Collectively, these Bible verses are one of the most famous verses about love and one of the most famous passages in the Bible. The verses provide a description of what love is and what love is not. They lift the definition of love from the human level to the sublime, making love as the highest goal in life since it gives life eternal.

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The article deals with God’s command to love and pray for our enemies for “he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” It is a command that pierces the hearts and souls of Christian believers.

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The article provides a list of quotes about Jesus. Specifically, the quotes are the words of Jesus telling us who he is: I AM. There are seven “I AM” quotes from the gospel of John. Some verses from the same gospel have the same or similar “I AM” statements, and these verses as well as a verse from the gospel of Matthew are included in the list of “I AM” quotes.

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The article contains easy quotes from Jesus. These quotes, which are easy to remember, are inspiring and motivational quotes, and they are Bible verses taken from the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

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The article contains quotes from Moses, the great prophet and the great leader of the ancient Israelites or Hebrews. He served as the bridge between God and the Hebrews. Through Moses, God gave his commandments and instructions which were rules and regulations for daily living and the wisdom and understanding of the Hebrews.

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This is an article about God as described and narrated in the Acts of the Apostles, the epistles or letters, and the book of Revelation of the Bible. It provides a list of descriptions, titles, names and the nature of God as taken from the Acts of the Apostles, the epistles or letters, and the book of Revelation.

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This is an article about God as described and narrated in the Gospels of the Bible. It provides a list of descriptions, titles, names and the nature of God as taken from the Gospels.

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This is an article about God as described and narrated in the Old Testament of the Bible. It provides a list of descriptions, titles, names and the nature of God as taken from the Old Testament of the Bible.

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